Axians Customer Stories
See how Axians have helped businesses around the world, delivering the best people and technology, unravelling complexity and bringing a sustainable competitive advantage.

The Lanstede Group focus on education innovation through Network as a Service
Thanks to NaaS as a future-proof solution, the educational institution is now expecting considerable cost savings and the chance to free up more time from their IT department to focus on innovation in education.
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Royal Eijkelkamp is boosting its relevance for international customers with Axians
Axians Netherlands is helping Royal Eijkelkamp develop and implement its data strategy.
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Axians develops an innovative technological platform for NOVA School of Business and Economics
Axians is set to assume the role of strategy advisor in a consortium of technology companies responsible for IT at Nova School of Business and Economics.
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Rotterdam sends hyper-smart container on trip around the world
Container 42 departed from Rotterdam on a two-year data collection trip. Travelling around the world, its sensors will collect intelligent data for safer, more reliable and faster transit
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Actemium and Axians make value creation in industry visible at Hannover Messe
VINCI Energies is using its presence at Hannover Messe 2019 to demonstrate the benefits that digitally transformed value-added processes bring to the manufacturing industry.
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Axians illustrates its IoT expertise for the city of Aix-en-Provence
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vPack brings peace of mind for Easiware teams
An all-in-one highly secure private cloud based solution.
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Bremer Landesbank work with Axians to modernize and replace their IT-System.
Bremer Landesbank found with Axians a single expert to master network, servers and application systems.
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Axians creates a Big Data environment at UMCG for improved patient diagnostics
Axians designed the data collection, storage and processing, and will maintain the system, helping to improve patient diagnostics and medical research capabilities.
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Axians implements new network infrastructure at Universitätsklinikum Freiburg (Germany)
Axians redesigned and implemented the new network infrastructure with high scalability and improved stability, which connects four new data centers and the campus of the University.
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Axians provides a world-class information and communications system at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University
A state-of-the-art ICT system integrating the most advanced technology solutions.
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Education platform works with Axians for online learning
A true performant and scalable web platform to handle the peak number of users during back-to-school season.