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How AI is a performance lever for our business units
Day by day, computing power, the scope of algorithms and the wealth of available data are all steadily increasing. At VINCI Energies, artificial intelligence is already being used for the most operational tasks.
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Cyber Security: tune in to the video podcast series
In an age where data breaches and cyberattacks are no longer rare occurrences but regular headlines, it's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest cybers security trends and technologies. Companies have a responsibility to protect not only your personal data but also the sensitive information of their organization. During the October Cyber Security Month, Axians around the world prepared a series of video podcasts on the important topics within Cyber Security.
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How IT is helping city decision makers make effective choices
Until now, the development of territories has been carried out over time with the deployment of independent technical solutions that respond to identified and circumscribed issues: installation of public lighting to make night-time travel safer, deployment of heat or energy networks to improve comfort, installation of waste collection and water distribution networks to improve hygiene, deployment of communication and transport infrastructures to promote exchanges, etc. These non-mutualized deployments have progressively created silos, one consequence of which is to present territory managers with a fragmented vision of territorial functioning.
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Axians is strengthening its Microsoft partnership to spark customer outcomes
As a people-centric organization, Axians’ mission is to improve people's lives through digital innovation. Axians has been a strong Microsoft partner for many years and holds a wide range of Microsoft based Partner Designations and Advanced Specializations.
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Improving quality of life in Aix-en-Provence through technology
The Aix-en-Provence city council has decided to capitalize on Smart City benefits mainly with the aim of improving the quality of life of both citizens and visitors. In addition, to showcase innovation at the service of the population and act for the environment thanks to relevant field data which will help to predict and thus better prevent.
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Data Management for Smart City
Forecasts estimate that in 2050, more than two thirds of humanity will live in cities. This high urban concentration leads to new uses and growing expectations in the management of mobility, security, waste management, communication, city’s operations, sustainability, and energy consumption. To address these concerns and improve the living environment, the concept of smart city has emerged.
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The development of video analytics for the smart city
Bringing intelligence to cities means increasing the quality of life of its residents or visitors, digitalizing an ecosystem, and making the whole environment interact to better understand it. At Axians, we believe that video analytic solutions can be one of the ways cities can improve the overall quality of life of its residents, businesses, and visitors.
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Axians Portugal and Nokia support REN in building a state-of-the-art mission-critical transmission network with DWDM/OTN technology.
Nokia announced its first optical switch contract in Portugal with Redes Energeticas Nacionais (REN), the Portuguese Transmission System Operator (TSO), which has renewed its optical transport network using Nokia's packet DWDM/OTN technology as part of its telecommunications network transformation program.
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Axians & Cisco are digitizing and expanding enterprise’s IOT in Germany and the Netherlands with Cisco Private 5G
Cisco is collaborating with Axians to provide Cisco private 5G to enterprises across industries in Germany and the Netherlands.
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The world of as-a-service is evolving
If done right, it has the potential to provide companies with a unique set of tools to innovate and accelerate business goals.
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