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  • Business Applications and Data Analytics / Industry

    How Axians facilitates knowledge transfer with Axele on-the-job

    Businesses face challenges such as handling intricate products, troubleshooting technical issues, and training new operators. Traditional methods often fall short in agility and interactivity, relying on printed manuals and standard content that quickly become obsolete.

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  • Healthcare

    Axians’ eWaste solution: Enhancing efficiency in waste management

    In the context of healthcare waste, which includes pharmaceutical and chemical byproducts, a vast array of hazardous and non-hazardous materials are continuously generated. The World Health Organization describes healthcare waste as a “potential reservoir of harmful organisms” capable of triggering global public health crises.

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  • Enterprise Networks

    Xsona LoRaWAN in a Box: Rethinking IoT systems

    During Cisco Live 2024 edition, Axians Italia presented the integration of its Xsona IoT platform with a Cisco LoRaWAN network server running as an IOx application on a Cisco device. Axians’ experts, who are behind this innovative and agile solution, introduced the setup of an all-in-one LoRaWAN network, using a Cisco IR1101 as the gateway.

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  • Cyber Security

    Cyber Security: tune in to the video podcast series 

    In an age where data breaches and cyberattacks are no longer rare occurrences but regular headlines, it's crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest cybers security trends and technologies. Companies have a responsibility to protect not only your personal data but also the sensitive information of their organization. During the October Cyber Security Month, Axians around the world prepared a series of video podcasts on the important topics within Cyber Security.

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  • Government and Local Authority

    How IT is helping city decision makers make effective choices

    Until now, the development of territories has been carried out over time with the deployment of independent technical solutions that respond to identified and circumscribed issues: installation of public lighting to make night-time travel safer, deployment of heat or energy networks to improve comfort, installation of waste collection and water distribution networks to improve hygiene, deployment of communication and transport infrastructures to promote exchanges, etc. These non-mutualized deployments have progressively created silos, one consequence of which is to present territory managers with a fragmented vision of territorial functioning.

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  • Government and Local Authority

    Improving quality of life in Aix-en-Provence through technology

    The Aix-en-Provence city council has decided to capitalize on Smart City benefits mainly with the aim of improving the quality of life of both citizens and visitors. In addition, to showcase innovation at the service of the population and act for the environment thanks to relevant field data which will help to predict and thus better prevent.

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