Smart cities can deliver a better quality of life, from citizen safety, to the morning commute.
Smart cities can use the latest technologies to monitor pollution levels and water consumption. The authorities are then able to take action to create a more sustainable environment based on real data. Technology can be used to monitor crime levels, to allow effective deployment of resources. Commuters can receive real time information regarding traffic and delays, allowing people to reduce their journey time.
An innovative scanner for building inspections
A system based on sub-millimetre wave sensors and artificial intelligence allows for users to ‘see through walls’ and check the location, components and structural integrity of equipment within building frames.
Axians deploys an infrastructure that is shared, secured, scalable, and set to support tomorrow’s urban projects.

Sensors for a more liveable city
The Connected Worlds company in the Netherlands has worked with Axians to roll out a network of sensors that enable cities to fine-tune management of such things as traffic and pollution.

Communication Infrastructure for the Smart City
There is no single, universal solution for connecting all the buses, cars, urban lighting, and water and energy systems that have built-in sensors. The best solution for a municipality is a combination of mobile, fibre, WiFi, and Lora. Each technology meets a specific need, in terms of coverage, reliability, and efficiency. The choice of technology will depend on the priority – range, cost, energy consumption, bandwidth, latency, or data transfer rate.